Saturday 11 May 2013

Series: the 7 "I am" sayings of Jesus Christ - 3 "I am the door of the sheep"

Tomorrow Stefano will continue the series
on the 7 "I am" sayings of Jesus in the
Gospel of John engaging with John 10:1-9:
"I am the door of the sheep".

To introduce this sermon we'll interact with
the question: "Is neutrality always the best option?"

These will then be the two main points of the sermon:

1. Are we also blind? (John 9:40)

2. Do you believe in the Son of Man? (John 9:35)

So Jesus again said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 

John 10:7-9

Engaging with the Latin motto: Virtue stands in the middle. Virtue is in the moderate, not the extreme position. (Horace)

We'll interact with the modern song: The Nucleus by the Italian band: Bluvertigo:

What's in the middle usually it's a virtue,
what's in the middle it can also be mediocre ...

What's in the middle is there to wait, anyone who is in the middle does not decide.
What's in the middle goes beyond passions ...

In the middle there is also the question of how to become
I wonder if I'll arrive at the destination, I wonder if I can wait, and not be curious.

What's in the middle can be indecisive ...
whatever is in the middle it's essential ...
I'm in the middle, we were in the middle, now I'm in the middle

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