Wednesday 28 January 2015

Living out our faith in the Community - A meal with the church leaders of the Budrio area

Tomorrow evening Stefano and Jonathan
are invited to a meal for the church leaders of the Budrio area.

Through helping with other volunteers in
the painting job in Budrio's middle school,
Stefano got to know G. a local Catholic priest who showed a genuine interest for our church-plant and how we engage and
live out the Gospel in Budrio.

Since September Stefano and Jonathan met monthly with G. During one of these meeting, the idea came out to have an informal meal for the local church leaders.

G. has then organized this meal where we'll have the chance to meet all the local priests and two Romanian orthodox popes.

Though G. we learned that the Catholic church has grouped the parishes into districts, and that we are in the area marked by the towns of Budrio-Medicina-Molinella.
It is interesting that the high-schools too are grouped in the same "triangle" and that so far, we have been able to enter in each of them.
We worked out that socially too local people are gravitating around these towns, which are then making the natural vision for the next church-plants!

Join us in praying for this evening that we'll be led by God's love for these men and by the clarity of the Gospel!

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