Friday 23 January 2015

My Space Budrio - Club for teens

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have our My Space Budrio club to reach out local teens.

We'll interact with the YfC Rock Solid material following the theme: Count me in!

Together we'll explore the concept  of Community and we'll see how often,
even though you may be in a group or crowd,
you can still feel alone and sometimes even intimidated by other people which prevents you from feeling as though you really belong.

We'll play different games to illustrate this point such as:
Odd One Out! where young people are to spot from a list of names, which is the odd one out and why. We'll see that everyone, deep down, likes to belong to something. Being on the outside looking in can be very hard and frustrating.

Then we'll watch a clip from the movie The Maze Runner where we'll see what Thomas has to do to be part of the Gladers' Community.

Then we'll engage with Genesis 1:26-31 and we'll realise that it’s very natural to feel like we want to belong to a group because as human beings we are ‘designed’ that way.

We are made in the image of a relational God who is in perfect relationship with the three persons of the Trinity, who want to have a relationship with us and who put his Children in the community of the church, in order to reach the communities in which we live: school mates, friends, football teams, etc.

Please pray with us, that this will be a meaningful opportunity the Lord will use to call them.

We'll also say goodbye to Mim who in the 
end of January will leave us for a ministry opportunity in Mexico. 
We are sad to see her going, yet very thankful for the time she served with us, and excited to see how the Lord will use her!

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